투화(鬪 싸울 투 花 꽃 화) – 노경선 작가

‘투화’는 화투(花鬪)에 나와 있는, 혹은 단순화되어 알아보기 힘든 동식물이나 사물을 전통 채색 방식으로 새롭게 재창조한 놀이패이다.

화투는 일본에서 건너왔지만, 오늘날 우리나라에서 대중적으로 이용되는 놀이의 도구인 만큼 다양하게 디자인된 화투들이 나오고 있다.

그 속에서 우리 그림 형식의 아름다운 놀이패인 ‘투화’가 누군가에게는 소장하고 싶은 물건이 되길 바라는 마음을 담아 제작하였다.

투화는 화투와 동일하게 48장으로 4장씩 열두 달을 상징하며 12장의 원화가 있다.

원화는 기존의 우리에게 익숙한 화투의 내용을 바탕으로 한국 민화나 궁중화에서 볼 수 있는 동식물들을 참조하여 조화롭게 구성하였다.

한 장의 완성된 그림을 4장씩 나누어 편집하였고, 각 달의 풍경은 놀이의 역할을 할 수 있도록 기존과 동일하되 우리 정서에 맞지 않는 부분은 보완하였다.

월별 상징

1월 해, 학, 소나무(광1장, 홍단1장, 피2장)

2월 매화, 휘파람새(끗1장, 홍단1장, 피2장)

3월 벚꽃, 장막[기와벽으로 대체](광1장, 홍단1장, 피2장)

4월 등나무, 두견새(끗1장, 초단1장, 피2장)

5월 제비붓꽃, 나무다리(끗1장, 초단1장, 피2장)

6월 모란, 나비(끗1장, 청단1장, 피2장)

7월 싸리나무, 멧돼지(끗1장, 초단1장, 피2장)

8월 달, 억새풀(광1장, 끗1장, 피2장)

9월 국화, 술잔(끗 겸용 쌍피1장, 청단1장, 피2장)

10월 단풍, 사슴(끗1장, 청단1장, 피2장)

11월 오동잎, 봉황(광1장, 쌍피1장, 피2장)

12월 서예가, 개구리, 제비(광1장, 끗1장, 초단1장, 쌍피1장)

Tuhwa, the “battle of flowers”

Tuhwa is a new version of hwatu, the traditional playing card widely used in Korea. Using Korean traditional coloring technique, it has given a brand new look to the existing hwatu cards, illustrations on which are deemed rather unsophisticated.

Since Korea’s hwatu has a history dating back to the 19th century when it was supposedly brought from Japan and the card game is probably the most popular one in the country, hwatu of various designs is currently on offer. Now on top of that, Utmost has come up with Tuhwa that features traditional Korean painting and will excite art collectors waiting for their own “treasure”.

Like hwatu, Tuhwa consists of 48 cards plus some bonus cards and twelve suits (a suit refers to a set of four cards), each of which corresponding to twelve months of the year, constitute twelve pictures of flowers. While based on the existing symbolic representations found in hwatu cards, Tuhwa’s illustration of plants and animals appearing in the cards has specifically emulated Korean folk paintings. Accordingly, its overall image is very natural and harmonious, particularly catering to Koreans, and will also appeal to foreigners who are interested in things Korean.

It takes a suit to get the whole image including the picture of a designated flower for each month. While retaining the image of scenery in the background observed in usual hwatu so as not to bewilder the card game players, Tuhwa revamped it to better suit the taste of modern customers.

*Hwatu games are usually played with three players, with two-person or four-person variants. The most popular game with hwatu cards is ‘Go-Stop’. The objective of the game is to create scoring combinations of taken cards towards a minimum predetermined number of points – usually three (for three players) or seven (for two players) – and then call a ‘Go’ or a ‘Stop’, from which the name of the game derives.

*Hwatu cards generally fall into four types: gwang, meaning “bright”; keut, mostly featuring animals and particularly including godori (featuring birds); ti, meaning “ribbon” and including cheongdan (blue ribbon cards), hongdan (red ribbon cards with letters) and chodan (red ribbon cards without letters); and pi, junk cards. Typically, each suit of cards representing months has two pis and two special cards such as gwang or ti.

Symbolic representations for the month

January: The sun, a crane and pine trees (one gwang, one hongdan and two pis)

February: Apricot flowers and a bush warbler (one keut, one hongdan and two pis)

March: Cherry blossoms and a tiled wall (one gwang, one hongdan and two pis)

April: Wisteria and a cuckoo (one keut, one chodan and two pis)

May: Iris and a wooden bridge (one keut, one chodan and two pis)

June: Peony and butterflies (one keut, one cheongdan and two pis)

July: Bush clover and a wild boar (one keut, one chodan and two pis)

August: The moon and silver grass (one gwang, one keut and two pis)

September: Chrysanthemum and a cup (one keut or sangpi, one cheongdan and two pis)

October: Autumn leaves and a deer (one keut, one cheongdan and two pis)

November: Paulownia leaves and an oriental phoenix (one gwang, one sangpi and two pis)

December: A calligrapher with an umbrella up, a frog and a swallow (one gwang, one keut, one dan and one sangpi)



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